Border collie
The world's most popular shepherd dog.
Border collie: I am a dog best suited for active owners.
Foto: Pixabay
We are highly intelligent working dogs, so do not underestimate us. Some people even think Border Collies are the most intelligent breed amongst dogs! We learn new commands quickly and love to train. But be aware: If you do not discipline me properly my intelligence can become a challenge. We tend to learn bad habits as easily as good ones.
As a Border collie owner, you have to be dedicated to training
When we are trained properly and get enough physical and mental stimuli, we become social, kind, and obedient. As shepherd dogs, we always want to keep our herd gathered. In other words, we do not enjoy being left alone but can work fine independently when performing tasks.
Some may say we are best suited to owners with previous experience with dogs. Our demanding natures should not be underestimated. Maybe you have heard this expression: «a properly trained shepherd dog saves work for ten people. A poorly trained shepherd dog creates work for ten people». There is a lot of truth in this expression and it illustrates why it is so important to train us.
Border Collie in its element shepherding sheep.
Border collies need to spend a lot of time outdoors
Like a real shepherd dog, I love to be outdoors and feel the best when I get the chance to use my high-energy drive. Also, my shepherd instinct encourages me to run after moving objects, so make sure you teach me the importance of not running into cars and big dangerous animals.
For us Border Collies, having the ability to go for long walks is essential. If we do not get to run every day we will start flipping tables and throwing fits. We will become almost impossible to deal with. We have an enormous work capacity which will leave us working continuously for several hours.
Keep in mind, we do not have an off-button. Our owners will have to be the judge of when it has been enough activities. If not, we can literally keep it going until we collapse.
If you are looking for a dog that loves outdoor activities, such as long mountain hikes, runs, cycling trips, or agility, it can be worthwhile to consider a Border Collie. However, if you prefer to spend your days on the couch, we recommend you find another dog.
The Border Collie is one of the most intelligent breeds - perfect dog for agility training.
Border collies are a vocal breed
If you want a silent dog, I'm probably not the best option for you. As shepherd dogs, we use our voice as a tool, so you will experience barking.
We do not bark all the time, but we tend to make noise when we get excited.
Requires little grooming
The length of our coats varies between individuals. Some may be short-haired, while others may have a medium-length coat. Common to all Border Collie dogs is that the coat requires very little care. However, you will have to comb us from time to time.
Healthy breed
Border Collies are generally healthy dogs without prominent health issues.
Of the diseases that can occur in us, you will find progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), hip dysplasia, and epilepsy.
Something to be aware of
Border Collies are bred for different purposes, which means that you have to know what kind of dog you are looking for.
Border Collies are often bred for these different purposes; agility; shepherding, or as show dogs.
Therefore, it is important to know what kind of dog your breeders are trying to create before purchasing a dog.
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7042 Trondheim, Norway