French bulldog
Do you have a good sense of humour? You may want to consider getting a French bulldog
We are fun, lively, playful dogs - not only when we are puppies, but throughout our whole lives.
French Bulldog
We are fun, lively, playful dogs - not only when we are puppies, but throughout our whole lives.
In other words, we are spectacular family members.
Loves to be the center of attention!
We are sporty, eager, and smart dogs who love to be social. Our owners need to embrace our personalities through affection and constant attention. In other words, we love to be the centre of attention!
It is important for potential owners to know if the dog they are considering is compatible with children. In our case, the answer is a clear and resounding yes! French bulldogs love children and are likely to become best friends with the younglings in their pack.
We become dependent on the members of our family, and we do not like being alone. Make sure you have the time and resources to be with us at all times before adopting one of us.
French Bulldog high-fives human
French bulldogs are great family members
French Bulldogs are currently strikingly popular dogs due to the worldwide lockdowns. Remember, we are not entertainment, we are family members. Many breeders do not care about the dogs' health and will breed us on any terms for profit only. It is your responsibility to keep us a healthy breed by buying us from serious breeders.
Quickly adapts to our owner's lifestyle
We have a medium need for activity and we quickly adapt to our owner's lifestyle. This does not mean that we do not need long walks - because we do. However, a lazy owner makes for a lazy dog. Walks are very important to us, as we are prone to obesity and other health issues, and so are you. Let's take care of each other by going for daily walks, eh?
Where we go and what we do are not so important to us. We're happy when we get to spend a lot of time with our owners.
We can get along with other pets and animals, however, it helps to introduce us from an early age. Some of us may show get a little jealous if the owner gives another dog attention.
Not made for warm climates
Be aware of our hypersensitivity to heat. In the summer we can struggle to regulate our body temperature, especially when it is hot. Make sure you walk us in the early morning and late evening, so we don't pass out.
Not much barking, but a lot of sounds.
French bulldogs are not considered a breed that barks a lot. On the contrary, we are often quiet dogs. Of course, there are exceptions among us, but we are generally compliant. This is also one of the reasons why fit well as apartment dogs. We can bark when strangers come out of curiosity or excitement. The rule of thumb is that we only bark when we have something important to communicate.
We are notorious grunters.
Some find our grunts to be cute, but in reality, we are suffering from breathing issues due to inbreeding.
Health challenges
So far you have read about all the positive aspects of our breed. Unfortunately, there are some downsides with us too.
For us, it's mostly about health. French bulldogs are especially prone to skin disorders and allergies. In addition, many of us may have breathing problems, which are related to our short snout. Some also struggle with their backs, hips, and knees. Eye problems are also not uncommon. We are often bred for our Aesthetics and not as working dogs. This results in poor health for us, and good profit for cynical breeders. We consider it a bad deal.
In other words, be careful when choosing a breeder of a French bulldog. There are good breeders out there too, attempting to breed us away from our human-made health issues.
Healthy individuals in the breed have a life expectancy of 10-13 years.
Minimal grooming
The French bulldog has a short coat that is very easy to care for. Bathe us as needed.
Wipe between flaps
A potential owner will quickly notice how our face wrinkles hide dirt and grime, so it is recommended to clean these areas regularly.
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Lildog AS - Skippergata 14
7042 Trondheim, Norway