Portuguese Water Dogs are excellent for active families. With their ingenuity, playfulness and intelligence, they can charm the grumpiest of dads.
For many years, this breed was the fisherman's best friend and assistant, thanks to his hard work and skillful swimming capabilities.
The Portuguese were helpful to have in the boat while fishing. If the fish was a struggle to get on board or jumped back into the water, the dog did not hesitate to jump after it.
The breed can also contribute to other services. They have a strong guarding instinct that helped protect the fishermen's properties.
But how is the Portuguese Water Dog today?
Traits and uses naturally change over many years of breeding. Still, the inherent will and ability to work have never disappeared. On the other hand, these abilities are used in other areas today. They are considered to be a versatile breed.
Portuguese Water Dogs are commonly used in a variety of dog sports, both agility, and obedience. Some individuals are used as sniffer dogs, rescue dogs, and other service dogs. Others are also used for hunting and game tracking.
Despite their flexible field of expertise, they are still excellent family dogs.
A Portuguese Water Dog loves children and is generally affectionate towards the whole family. The breed is lively and playful, so remember to stimulate those traits! They are best suited for people with active lifestyles.
"The Portuguese" does not thrive particularly well alone and will demand attention from their owners. They also love mental challenges. Agility and obedience training are perfect activities for this breed. Like most retrieving dogs, they also like to carry things.
Portuguese Water Dogs are not considered whiny dogs. But they certainly can make noise. Among other things, they will alert you when strangers arrive or just want attention.
If they are socialized from an early age, they can get along with other animals too.
The Portuguese Water Dog grown in popularity after taking recidence in the White House under the Obama adminstration
Here are some keywords that describe the Portuguese Water Dog:
- Friendly (also towards children)
- Charming
- Intelligent
- Self-willed Learning
- Willing to work
- Active
- Inventive
- Curious
- Playful
- Humorous / clownish / teasing
- Devoted to the owners
Are Portuguese Water Dogs allergy-friendly?
Portuguese Water Dogs are among the breeds considered to be allergy-friendly. They do not provoke as strong reactions in allergy sufferers as some other breeds.
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